Scientific publications

Ciro scientists maintain ongoing research to provide the best treatments for our patients. You can find an overview of publications in scientific journals and professional magazines below.

Continuous fat-free mass decline in COPD: fact or fiction?

Rutten EP, Spruit MA, McDonald ML, Rennard S, Agusti A, Celli B, Miller BE,Crim C, Calverley PM, Hanson C, MacNee W, Franssen FM, Vanfleteren L, Wouters EF

Identifying Physical Activity Profiles in COPD Patients Using Topic Models

Spina G, Casale P, Albert PS, Alison J, Garcia-Aymerich J, Costello RW,Hernandes NA, van Gestel AJ, Leuppi JD, Mesquita R, Singh SJ, Smeenk FW,Tal-Singer R, Wouters EF, Spruit MA, den Brinker AC

Attitudes of healthcare professionals providing pulmonary rehabilitation toward partnership in care

Stoilkova-Hartmann A, Janssen DJ, Franssen FM, Spruit MA, Wouters EF

Presence of brain pathology in deceased subjects with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Cleutjens FA, Spruit MA, Beckervordersandforth J, Franssen FM, Dijkstra JB,Ponds RW, Wouters EF, Janssen DJ

Objectively identified comorbidities in COPD: impact on pulmonary rehabilitation outcomes

Mesquita R, Vanfleteren LE, Franssen FM, Sarv J, Taib Z, Groenen MT, Gaffron S, Bruijnzeel PL, Pitta F, Wouters EF, Spruit MA

Psychosocial consequences of living with breathlessness due to advanced disease

Janssen DJ, Wouters EF, Spruit MA

Prognostic value of variables derived from the six-minute walk test in patients with COPD: Results from the ECLIPSE study

Andrianopoulos V, Wouters EF, Pinto-Plata VM, Vanfleteren LE, Bakke PS,Franssen FM, Agusti A, MacNee W, Rennard SI, Tal-Singer R, Vogiatzis I, Vestbo J,Celli BR, Spruit MA

Efficacy of walking aids on self-paced outdoor walking inindividuals with COPD: A randomized cross-over trial

Vaes AW, Meijer K, Delbressine JM, Wiechert J, Willems P, Wouters EF, Franssen FM, Spruit MA

Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Physical Activity in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Spruit MA, Pitta F, McAuley E, ZuWallack RL, Nici L

COPD management: need for more consensus

Vanfleteren LE, Franssen FM, Wouters EF, Spruit MA
