Scientific publications

Ciro scientists maintain ongoing research to provide the best treatments for our patients. You can find an overview of publications in scientific journals and professional magazines below.

Relationship between Volitional and Non-Volitional Quadriceps Muscle Endurance in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Stoffels AAF, Allard NAE, Spruit MA, Klijn P, Hopman MTE, Meys R, Franssen FME, Timmers S, van den Borst B, van Hees HWH

The effect of body compartments on lung function in childhood and adolescence

Ofenheimer A, Breyer MK, Wouters EFM, Schiffers C, Hartl S, Burghuber OC, Krach F, Maninno DM, Franssen FME, Mraz T, Puchhammer P, Breyer-Kohansal R

Sleep Hypoventilation is Common in Diurnal Normocapnic COPD Patients with Severe or Very Severe Obstruction and is Not Associated with Body Mass Index

Zewari S, van den Borst B, van den Heuvel M, van den Elshout F, Sastry M, Vos P

Combined Exercise Training and Nutritional Interventions or Pharmacological Treatments to Improve Exercise Capacity and Body Composition in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Narrative Review

Brauwers B, Machado FVC, Beijers RJHCG, Spruit MA, Franssen FME

Validation of Constant Work Rate Cycling Endurance Time for Use in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Clinical Trials

Casaburi R, Merrill D, Leidy NK, Locantore N, Dolmage T, Garcia-Aymerich J, Goldstein R, Harding G, Maltais F, O'Donnell D, Porszasz J, Puente-Maestu L, Rennard S, Rossiter HB, Sciurba F, Spruit MA, Tal-Singer R, Tetzlaff K, van 't Hul AJ, Yu R, Hamilton A

High proportions of post-exertional malaise and orthostatic intolerance in people living with post-COVID-19 condition: the PRIME post-COVID study

Pagen DME, Van Herck M, van Bilsen CJA, Brinkhues S, Konings K, den Heijer CDJ, Spruit MA, Hoebe CJPA, Dukers-Muijrers NHTM

Recent advances in bronchoscopic lung volume reduction for severe COPD patients

Posthuma R, Vaes AW, Spruit MA, Vanfleteren LEGW

Tackling respiratory problems - needs, education, and treatments

Ekström M, Janssen DJA

Repurposing catheter ablation work-up to detect expiratory airflow limitation in patients with atrial fibrillation

Hereijgers MJM, van der Velden RMJ, El Moussaoui N, Verhaert DVM, Habibi Z, Luermans J, den Uijl D, Chaldoupi SM, Vernooy K, Schotten U, Baumert M, Gietema HA, Mihl C, Koltowski L, Franssen FME, Simons SO, Linz D

Isolated small airways obstruction predicts future chronic airflow obstruction: a multinational longitudinal study

Knox-Brown B, Potts J, Santofimio VQ, Minelli C, Patel J, Abass NM, Agarwal D, Ahmed R, Mahesh PA, Bs J, Denguezli M, Franssen F, Gislason T, Janson C, Juvekar SK, Koul P, Malinovschi A, Nafees AA, Nielsen R, Paraguas SNM, Buist S, Burney PG, Amaral AFS
