
Binnen Ciro doen wetenschappers onderzoek voor de beste behandelingen voor onze patiënten. Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van publicaties in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften en vakbladen voor professionals.

Clinical highlights from the 2011 ERS Congress in Amsterdam

Spruit, M.A., Chavannes, N.H., Herth, F., Poletti, V., Ley, S., Burghuber, O.C., Clini, E., and Cottin, V

Age-graded reductions in quadriceps muscle strength and peak aerobic capacity in COPD

Spruit, M.A., Franssen, F.M.E., Rutten, E.P.A., Wagers, S.S., and Wouters, E.F.M.

The Effects of a “New” Walking Aid on Exercise Performance in Patients With COPD : A Randomized Crossover Trial

Vaes, A.W., Annegarn, J., Meijer, K., Cuijpers, M.W., Franssen, F.M.E., Wiechert, J., Wouters, E.F.M., and Spruit, M.A.

Correlations between disease-specific and generic health status questionnaires in patients with advanced COPD: a one-year observational study

Wilke, S., Janssen, D.J.A., Wouters, E.F.M., Schols, J.M.G.A., Franssen, F.M.E., and Spruit, M.A

Chronisch obstructief longlijden en comorbiditeit

Janssen, D.J.A. en Franssen, F.M.E, p411-20 In: Muris, J.W.M. en de Weerd-Spaetgens, C.M.E.E., Redactie. Praktische huisartsgeneeskunde, Ouderengeneeskunde.

Advance Care planning for patients with COPD: past, present and future

Janssen, D.J.A., Engelberg, R.A., Wouters E.F.M. and Curtis, J.R.

Bone attenuation on routine chest CT correlates with bone mineral density on DXA in patients with COPD

Romme EA, Murchison JT, Phang KF, Jansen FH, Rutten EP, Wouters EF, Smeenk FW, Van Beek EJ, Macnee W

ECLIPSE Investigators (Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints).

Breyer MK, Rutten EP, Locantore NW, Watkins ML, Miller BE, Wouters EF

Advance Care Planning in COPD

Patel, K., Janssen D.J.A. and Curtis, J.R.

The association between body composition and self-reported co-morbidity in subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Rutten EPA, Bakke PS, Pillai SG, Wagers S, Grydeland TB, Gulsvik A, Wouters EFM.
