
Binnen Ciro doen wetenschappers onderzoek voor de beste behandelingen voor onze patiënten. Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van publicaties in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften en vakbladen voor professionals.

How Do Dual Long-Acting Bronchodilators Prevent Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?

Beeh KM, Burgel PR, Franssen FME, Lopez-Campos JL, Loukides S, Hurst JR, Fležar M, Ulrik CS, Di Marco F, Stolz D, Valipour A, Casserly B, Ställberg B, Kostikas K, Wedzicha JA.

The Fat Lady Sings Again. Respiration

Vanfleteren LEGW, Slebos DJ

; Definition and recommendations for advance care planning: an international consensus supported by the European Association for Palliative Care. European Association for Palliative Care

Rietjens JAC, Sudore RL, Connolly M, van Delden JJ, Drickamer MA, Droger M, van der Heide A, Heyland DK, Houttekier D, Janssen DJA, Orsi L, Payne S, Seymour J, Jox RJ, Korfage IJ

Koopman M, Vanfleteren LEGW, Steijns S, Wouters EFM, Sprooten R.

Increased exercise tolerance using daytime mouthpiece ventilation for patients with diaphragm paralysis

Knowledge gaps in patients with COPD and their proxies

Nakken N, Janssen DJA, van den Bogaart EHA, Muris JWM, Vercoulen JH, Custers FL, Bootsma GP, Gronenschild MHM, Wouters EFM, Spruit MA

Redefining Cut-Points for High Symptom Burden of the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Classification in 18,577 Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Smid DE, Franssen FME, Groenen MTJ, Houben-Wilke S, Janssen DJA, Nakken N, Vanfleteren LEGW, Wouters EFM, Spruit MA en collega's

The patient with a complex chronicrespiratory disease: a specialist of his own life?

Houben-Wilke S, Augustin IM, Wouters BB, Stevens RA, Janssen DJ, Spruit MA,

Spatiotemporal gait characteristics in patients with COPD during the

Liu WY, Spruit MA, Delbressine JM, Willems PJ, Franssen FME, Wouters EFM,

Instability of willingness to accept life-sustaining treatments of patients with advanced chronic organ failure during one year

Houben C, Spruit M, Schols, J, Wouters E en Janssen D

Zuurstoftherapie niet voor alle COPD-patiënten nodig

Vanfleteren, L
