
Binnen Ciro doen wetenschappers onderzoek voor de beste behandelingen voor onze patiënten. Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van publicaties in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften en vakbladen voor professionals.

Decreased Risk of COPD Exacerbations in Obese Patients

Smulders L, van der Aalst A, Neuhaus EDET, Polman S, Franssen FME, van Vliet M, de Kruif MD

Novel Input for Designing Patient-Tailored Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Telemonitoring Physical Activity as a Vital Sign-SMARTREAB Study

Santos CD, das Neves RC, Ribeiro RM, Caneiras C, Rodrigues F, Spruit MA, Bárbara C

Physical activity and inactivity among different body composition phenotypes in individuals with moderate to very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Schneider LP, Sartori LG, Machado FVC, Dala Pola D, Rugila DF, Hirata RP, Bertoche MP, Camillo CA, Hernandes NA, Furlanetto KC, Pitta F

Incorporating Comprehensive Assessment Parameters to Better Characterize and Plan Rehabilitation for Persons with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Augustin IML, Spruit MA, Franssen FME, Gaffron S, van Merode F, Wouters EFM

COVID-19: Guidance on Palliative care from a European Respiratory Society International Task Force

Janssen DJA, Ekström M, Currow DC, Johnson MJ, Maddocks M, Simonds AK, Tonia T, Marsaa K

Reference charts for body composition parameters by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in European children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years-Results from the Austrian LEAD (Lung, hEart, sociAl, boDy) cohort

Ofenheimer A, Breyer-Kohansal R, Hartl S, Burghuber OC, Krach F, Schrott A, Franssen FME, Wouters EFM, Breyer MK

Total volume/week of physical activity: an underused variable of physical activity in daily life in patients with copd and its association with exercise capacity

Schneider LP, Machado FVC, Rodrigues A, Hirata RP, Pola DCD, Bertoche MP, Belo LF, Andrello ACDR, Fonseca J, Mantoani LC, Furlanetto KC, Pitta F

Cardiac Telerehabilitation as an Alternative to Centre-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation

Brouwers RWM, van Exel HJ, van Hal JMC, Jorstad HT, de Kluiver EP, Kraaijenhagen RA, Kuijpers PMJC, van der Linde MR, Spee RF, Sunamura M, Uszko-Lencer NHMK, Vromen T, Wittekoek ME, Kemps HMC

Phenotypic characteristics of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease after stratification for the Short Physical Performance Battery summary score

Stoffels AAF, De Brandt J, Meys R, van Hees HWH, Vaes AW, Klijn P, Burtin C, Franssen FME, van den Borst B, Sillen MJH, Wouters EFM, Janssen DJA, Spruit MA; BASES consortium.

The 'can do, do do' concept in COPD; quadrant interpretation, affiliation and tracking longitudinal changes

van 't Hul AJ, Koolen EH, van Hees HW, van den Borst B, Spruit MA
