How do I begin treatment?

After you provide us with a written referral from your specialist or general practitioner, you will receive our confirmation. Then we will meet you for an initial assessment. Please note this does not apply to a sleep assessment and treatment.


Do you suffer from sleep-related respiratory distress such as sleep apnea? Read about about sleep diagnosis and our treatments.

Do you need another kind of treatment? Read about the initial assessment and treatments below.


Initial assessemt

To get a full picture of your health and capabilities, we will complete a thorough three-day assessment. You will stay overnight at our Ciro clinic during the assessment.

We will conduct a variety of tests to measure your physical condition, such as fitness and strength. These include to:

  • test your leg muscle strength
  • measure endurance with a walking test and a biking test
  • test your lungs, from their general condition to the muscle strength when inhaling
  • measure your body composition and test your bone tissue for density and bone health
  • measure the oxygen levels in your blood while you sleep


Specialised treatments

Each treatment plan is customised for each patient’s specific needs and lifestyle. But every treatment plan has three main components that are designed to help:

  • improve your physical condition
  • learn to cope with and accept your limitations
  • and contact with other patients.


Three Ciro treatment options

At Ciro we offer you three options for specialised treatments:

  • Stay at Ciro (clinical). Your treatments all take place in the Ciro clinic. You’ll stay here throughout the week and spend your weekends at home. Duration: 8 weeks.
  • Day treatment at Ciro. You’ll visit Ciro during the week for treatments and go home each night. Duration: 8 weeks.
  • A Ciro Partner. You’ll follow the treatment plan at one of our partnering hospitals. Duration: 14 weeks.


Final assessment

After you complete your personal treatment plan, we will evaluate your results during a final assessment and share the results with you.