Treatment team
Our diverse team of specialists work closely together to make our treatment plans a success. They think outside the box to tailor every plan to best suit each patient’s needs.
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Our pulmonologist are the main contact for patients’ complex medical questions. They also work closely with other specialists to create and administer customised treatment plans.
It is common for chronic lung patients to have several diseases at the same time, which is known as multi-morbidity. Our internists are involved with the diagnosis and treatment of additional diseases, such as cardiovascular risk reduction, osteoporosis and diabetes.
Cardiovascular diseases are common among patients who also have chronic lung disease. These separate conditions can make a significant impact on symptoms and quality of life as well as increase risk of death from cardiovascular complications. Our cardiologists are responsible for the diagnosis and possible treatment options for patients.
Geriatric medical specialists
Our geriatrics specialist is a medical doctor who cares for frail elderly and chronically ill people with multiple health issues. While other specialists focus on healing and recovery, our Geriatrics specialist has outstanding expertise to improve independence and quality of life for patients. By providing this as well as guidance around chronic illness and end of life, the focus is on the patient as a whole.
Occupational therapists
The occupational therapists teach patients how to perform daily activities with less effort, such as dressing, climbing stairs or running errands. This can be done by doing something in a different way, improving their form, changing the speed or using an aid, such as a walker. The occupational therapists work with you to see which options can make the best improvements.
Chronic medical conditions are often accompanied by anxiety, depression, decreased interest and stress. Patients may feel misunderstand when they are bothered by these issues. Our psychologists can help patients talk about how they are feeling and offer ways to cope with their emotions. This may provide relief as well as aid their treatment and recovery.
A healthy diet is important for everyone, but it plays an even more important role in the lives of patients with chronic disease. The dietitians work within dietary guidelines or possible feeding problems to see what works best for each patient. Some people are restricted by a limited diet but we can offer comprehensive information to provide more dietary options.
Physiotherapists / Motion therapists
The physiotherapist and motion therapists accompany patients throughout testing and training plans that focus on endurance and building muscle strength. Patients take part in a variety of individual training sessions, including body awareness, breathing techniques, relaxation and strengthening the secondary muscles. The physical therapists also guide the NMES strengthening exercises, which is the electrical stimulation of the muscles.
Art therapists
Art therapy uses the creative process of making to improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Creative activities are combined with traditional therapy, such as a woodworking workshop along with a conversation with the therapist. This way, we can provide support to help patients cope with loss of health issues.
The nursing staff provides appropriate care 24 hours a day and tries to stimulate as much autonomy as possible. Each patient also has a nursing coach who is the fixed point of contact during the treatment program and discusses progress and points for attention.