Scientific publications

Ciro scientists maintain ongoing research to provide the best treatments for our patients. You can find an overview of publications in scientific journals and professional magazines below.

Bacterial aetiology and mortality in COPD patients with CAP: results from the German Competence Network, CAPNETZ

Braeken D, Franssen F, Von Baum H, Schütte H, Pletz M, Rupp J, Stassen, F, Mooij M and Rohde, G

Personalized medicine and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Wouters E, Wouters B, Augustin I, Franssen F

Features of a Mobile Support App for Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Literature Review and Current Applications

Sobnath D, Philip N, Kayyali R, Nabhani-Gebara S, Pierscionek B, Vaes A, Spruit M, Kaimakamis E

Maintaining the Benefits of Pulmonary Rehabilitation. The Holy Grail

Rochester C, Spruit M

Impact of airflow limitation in chronic heart failure

Bektas S, Franssen F, Van Empel V, Uszko-Lencer N, Boyne J, Knackstedt C, Brunner-La Rocca H

Normal Weight but Low Muscle Mass and Abdominally Obese: Implications for the Cardiometabolic Risk Profile in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Beijers R, Van de Bool C, Van den Borst B, Franssen F, Wouters E, Schols A

Within-day test–retest reliability of the 6-min walk test in patients with pulmonary fibrosis

Bloem A, Veltkamp M, Custers J, Dolk H, Grutters J, Spruit M

Stability of Blood Eosinophils in COPD and Controls and the Impact of Gender, Age, Smoking and Baseline Counts

Oshagbemi O, Burden A, Braeken D, Henskens Y, Wouters E, Driessen J, Maitland-Van der Zee A, De Vries F, Franssen F

Impact of exacerbations on adherence and outcomes of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD

Braeken D, Spruit M, Houben-Wilke S, Smid D, Rohde G, Wouters E, Franssen F

Interview Daisy Janssen in vakblad Pallium

Bruntink, R
