Scientific publications

Ciro scientists maintain ongoing research to provide the best treatments for our patients. You can find an overview of publications in scientific journals and professional magazines below.

An official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society statement: key concepts and advances in pulmonary rehabilitation

Spruit MA, Singh SJ, Garvey C, ZuWallack R, Nici L, Rochester C, Hill K, Holland AE, Lareau SC, Man WD, Pitta F, Sewell L, Raskin J, Bourbeau J, Crouch R, Franssen FM, Casaburi R, Vercoulen JH, Vogiatzis I, Gosselink R, Clini EM, Effing TW, Maltais F, Van der Palen J, Troosters T, Janssen DJ, Collins E, Garcia-Aymerich J, Brooks D, Fahy BF, Puhan MA, Hoogendoorn M, Garrod R, Schols AM, Carlin B, Benzo R, Meek P, Morgan M, Rutten-Van Mölken MP, Ries AL, Make B, Goldstein RS, Dowson CA, Brozek JL, Donner CF

Maintenance programs after pulmonary rehabilitation: how may we advance this field?

Spruit MA, Singh SJ

Within-day test-retest reliability of the Timed Up & Go test in patients with advanced chronic organ failure

Mesquita R, Janssen DJ, Wouters EF, Schols JM, Pitta F, Spruit MA

Anemia is associated with bone mineral density in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Rutten EP, Franssen FM, Spruit MA, Wouters EF

Metabolic and structural changes in lower-limb skeletal muscle following neuromuscular electrical stimulation: a systematic review

Sillen MJ, Franssen FM, Gosker HR, Wouters EF, Spruit MA

Associations between COPD related manifestations: a cross-sectional study

Romme EA, McAllister DA, Murchison JT, Van Beek EJ, Petrides GS, Price CO, Rutten EP, Smeenk FW, Wouters EF, Macnee W

New normative values for handgrip strength: results from the UK Biobank

Spruit MA, Sillen MJ, Groenen MT, Wouters EF, Franssen FM

Care dependency independently predicts two-year survival in outpatients with advanced chronic organ failure

Janssen DJ, Wouters EF, Schols JM, Spruit MA

Osteoporosis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Romme EA, Smeenk FW, Rutten EP, Wouters EF

Changes in body composition in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: do they influence patient-related outcomes?

Rutten EP, Calverley PM, Casaburi R, Agusti A, Bakke P, Celli B, Coxson HO, Crim C, Lomas DA, Macnee W, Miller BE, Rennard SI, Scanlon PD, Silverman EK, Tal-Singer R, Vestbo J, Watkins ML, Wouters EF
