Scientific publications

Ciro scientists maintain ongoing research to provide the best treatments for our patients. You can find an overview of publications in scientific journals and professional magazines below.

Chronisch obstructief longlijden en comorbiditeit

Janssen, D.J.A. en Franssen, F.M.E, p411-20 In: Muris, J.W.M. en de Weerd-Spaetgens, C.M.E.E., Redactie. Praktische huisartsgeneeskunde, Ouderengeneeskunde.

Risk factors for osteoporosis in Caucasian patients with moderate Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A case control study

Graat-Verboom, L., Smeenk, F.W.J.M., Van den Borne, B.E.E.M., Spruit, M.A., Donkers-van Rossum, A.B., Aarts, R.P.M., and Wouters, E.F.M.

Differences in walking pattern during 6-min walk test between patients with COPD and healthy subjects

Annegarn, J., Spruit, M.A., Savelberg, H.H.C.M., van Bool, C., Schols, A.M.W.J., Wouters, E.F.M. and Meijer, K.

Correlations between disease-specific and generic health status questionnaires in patients with advanced COPD: a one-year observational study

Wilke, S., Janssen, D.J.A., Wouters, E.F.M., Schols, J.M.G.A., Franssen, F.M.E., and Spruit, M.A

Effects of body mass index on task-related oxygen uptake and dyspnea during activities of daily life

Vaes, A.W., Franssen, F.M.E., Meijer, K., Cuijper, M.W.C., Wouters, E.F.M., Rutten, E.P.A, and Spruit M.A.

The Effects of a “New” Walking Aid on Exercise Performance in Patients With COPD : A Randomized Crossover Trial

Vaes, A.W., Annegarn, J., Meijer, K., Cuijpers, M.W., Franssen, F.M.E., Wiechert, J., Wouters, E.F.M., and Spruit, M.A.

On behalf of the COSMIC (COPD and Seretide: a Multi-Center Intervention and Characterization) study group. Systemic inflammation in COPD

Breyer, M.-K., Rutten, E.P.A., Spruit, M.A., Hop, W.C.J., Postma, D., and Wouters, E.F.M

Age-graded reductions in quadriceps muscle strength and peak aerobic capacity in COPD

Spruit, M.A., Franssen, F.M.E., Rutten, E.P.A., Wagers, S.S., and Wouters, E.F.M.

Clinical Year in Review I: Quality improvement for pulmonary and critical care medicine, lung transplantation, rehabilitation for pulmonary and critically ill patients, and sleep medicine

Kahn, J.M., Palmer, S.M., Spruit, M.A., Punjabi, N.M., and Sutherland, E.R.

Physical activity monitoring in COPD: Compliance and associations with clinical characteristics in a multicenter study

Waschki, B., Spruit, M.A., Watz H., Albert, P., Shrikrishna, D., Groenen, M., Smith, C., Man, W.D.-C.,Tal-Singer, R., Edwards, L.D., Calverley, P.M.A., Magnussen, H., Polkey M.I., and Wouters, E.F.M.
