Scientific publications

Ciro scientists maintain ongoing research to provide the best treatments for our patients. You can find an overview of publications in scientific journals and professional magazines below.

A call for high-quality advance care planning in outpatients with severe COPD or chronic heart failure

Janssen DJ, Spruit MA, Schols JM, Wouters EF

Symptoms, Comorbidities, and Health Care in Advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or Chronic Heart Failure

Janssen DJ, Spruit MA, Uszko-Lencer NH, Schols JM, Wouters EF

Family Caregiving in Advanced Chronic Organ Failure

Janssen DJ, Spruit MA, Wouters EF, Schols JM

The prevalence of quadriceps weakness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the relationship with disease severity

Seymour, J.M., Spruit, M.A., Hopkinson, N.S., Sathyapala, A., Man, W.D.-C., Jackson, A., Gosker, H.R., Schols, A.M.W.J., Moxham J., Polkey, M.I., and Wouters, E.F.M.

Task-related oxygen uptake and symptoms during activities of daily life in CHF patients and healthy subjects

Spruit MA, Wouters EF, Eterman RM, Meijer K, Wagers SS, Stakenborg KH, Uszko-Lencer NH

What to do before pulmonary rehabilitation to improve adherence?\

Spruit, M.A., and Franssen, F.M.E.

Task-related oxygen uptake during domestic activities of daily life in patients with COPD and healthy elderly subjects

Vaes AW, Wouters EF, Franssen FM, Uszko-Lencer NH, Stakenborg KH, Westra M, Meijer K, Schols AM, Janssen PP, Spruit MA

Oxygen Uptake, Ventilation, and Symptoms During Low-Frequency Versus High-Frequency NMES in COPD: A Pilot Study

Franssen FM, Meijer K, Stakenborg KH, Spruit MA

Osteoporosis in COPD outpatients based on bone mineral density and vertebral fractures

Graat-Verboom L, van den Borne BE, Smeenk FW, Spruit MA, Wouters EF

ONLINE SUPPLEMENT Age-graded reductions in quadriceps muscle strength and peak aerobic capacity in COPD

Martijn A. Spruit, Frits M.E. Franssen, Erica P.A. Rutten, Scott S. Wagers, and Emiel F.M. Wouters
