
Binnen Ciro doen wetenschappers onderzoek voor de beste behandelingen voor onze patiënten. Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van publicaties in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften en vakbladen voor professionals.

A patient-centred interdisciplinary palliative care program for patients with end-stage chronic respiratory diseases

Janssen, D.J.A., Spruit, M.A., Alsemgeest, T.P.G., Does, J.D., Schols, J.M.G.A., and Wouters, E.F.M

On behalf of the CIRO network. Symptoms of anxiety and depression in COPD patients entering pulmonary rehabilitation

Janssen, D.J.A., Spruit, M.A., Leue, C., Gysen, C. Hameleers, H., Schols, J.M.G.A., and Wouters, E.F.M.

Toward patient-tailored education in COPD

Janssen, D.J.A., Engelberg, R.A., Curtis, J.R.

Toward patient-tailored education in COPD

Janssen, D.J.A., Engelberg, R.A., Curtis, J.R.

Abdominal fat mass contributes to systemic inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Rutten, E.P.A., Breyer, M.K., Spruit, M.A., Hofstra, T., Van Melick, P.P.M.J., Schols, A.M.J.W., and Wouters, E.F.M.

Essential amino acids to treat sarcopenia in patients with COPD?

Rutten, E.P.A., and Spruit, M.A

Critical view on diagnosing muscle wasting by single frequency bio-electrical impedance in COPD

Rutten, E.P.A., Spruit, M.A., and Wouters E.F.M.

Determinants of poor 6-minute walking distance in patients with COPD: the ECLIPSE cohort

Spruit, M.A., Watkins, M.L., Edwards, L.D., Vestbo, J., Calverley, P., Pinto-Plata, V., Celli, B., Tal-Singer, R., and Wouters E.F.M.